Values and principles
The unique challenges that define our era — reversing global climate change, economic uncertainty, global health crises, protecting biodiversity, restoring the health of our oceans, developing sustainable food systems, accelerating the shift toward clean, renewable energy — require fundamentally new ways of seeing and understanding. As emerging planetary citizens, we need a planetary perspective. EarthX was designed to help meet this need.
Our values
We are a diverse team of curious and knowledge-seeking personalities. Our team is committed to gaining new insights and gathering new perspectives.
Most of us know now that humanity is in the midst of an information overload, where individuals, institutions and industries have more data and information than they can realistically ever make sense of. Scrolling, swiping and screen-time culture need to be reigned in and made practicable in a planet-oriented manner.
Making sense of information, and feeling comfortable navigating it, cannot overlook the fact that we are all passengers on ‘Spaceship Earth’. All of the data we have ever harnessed and recorded begins and continues to be on Earth - even if it’s not of it. As we are ever more immersed in digital ecosystems, the memory and relatability of data to its point of origin will prove to be crucial in playing out a positive role in the biosphere.

Through visualisation we can help to make information more relevant, useful and meaningful
We must harness technology to make positive changes
We are empowering people to learn more about our planet and the challenges that define our era through data. We aim to convey that people are becoming ever more connected and that our actions have real and large-scale consequences. This can be achieved through our platform technology which can visualise the data in every action we make.

“One of the greatest features of the platform is the ability to transform complex data and information into simple and visible knowledge that can be applied, worked with and shared.”
- Omar Fayed, Co-Founder & CEO
Data is not just the currency of the future, but the currency of now
We aim to make it more practical for anyone who has a commercial or operational need to better distribute their data, as a resource, to stakeholders, to do so in an incisive and beautiful way. We endeavour to do this by directly democratising data mapping and data ownership. The EarthX platform serves as an innovative bridge connecting geospatial content to an engaged community.
Patterns and trends that might be difficult to discern in numeric and text-based data can be exposed and widely understood with digital map-based visualisations and storytelling. By building technologies that make geospatial information communicable and relevant, EarthX enables both individuals and organisations to share knowledge and gather insights.
Planetary Awareness
All individuals should value and have a basic understanding of the fundamental characteristics, cycles, properties and synergies of our planet, as this serves as the foundation for global thinking and inspires actions at all levels. The acknowledgment of the global biosphere as a marvel of cosmic importance holds a significance tantamount to the very existence of our own consciousness.
Planetary Emergency
The Anthropocene, marked by the emergence of existential threats like climate change, biodiversity erosion, and the advent of AI, presents a set of immediate, unparalleled, and intricate planetary crises, which pose significant threats to Earth's ecosystems, human societies, and future generations. The presence of tipping points with the potential to initiate irreversible shifts further emphasises its importance.
Planetary Stewardship
Planetary stewardship involves directing global change, considering interconnected local to global levels. The aim is to secure sustainability for human well-being, ecosystems, and the global commons. To implement comprehensive solutions, it is essential to change narratives and worldviews, as societal transformation starts with reshaping our understanding and feelings about the world.